Tuesday 17 June 2008



As you may have noticed i havent messaged my blog for a long time. Thats because i am taking care of my other blog which is being updated by my best friend Fire Peny 88 and my other blog address is: http://yasminrose.wordpress.com
Visit it because half of it is made by me and the other half is Fire Peny's! I hope you like both of my blogs! Leave me a message. Later on i might message some stuff... im not sure what yet though... well i'll message you okay???

Bye for now penguins! And as they say
Waddle On!!!

( ' _ ' )

Best Wishes
Fiana 9

Thursday 5 June 2008

<------ ME with the new pin...
lolz life life life!!!!

Monday 26 May 2008

Helpful Tips about Club Penguin

Some Hidden items:
May 08 Penguin Style Catalog
1. Dragon's hand to give a Crystal Staff
2.Click the Green Emerald Hat to get a Woodman's hat
3.Click the Brown Casual Suit Jacket to get the Cheese tie
4.Click the Cocoa Bunny Costume Boe to get a Red Viking Helmet
5. Do the same but 4 times to get a Blue Viking Helmet
6.Click the White Admiral Jacket eyes to get a Green Snorkel
May 08 Big Wigs hairstyles for penguins
1.Click the Blue Spikester to get the Pink Spikette

At the end of the May 08 Penguin Style Catalog it says How Do I Get Coins, well drag down the box and read the message.

Go to the Lighthouse to get a Blue Wizard Hat (free)
Go to the Bolier Room to get the Anvil Pin. All you have to do is hover over the Anvil maker and it will give you the pin.

Better Igloos May - June Furniture Catalog
1.Click the P letter as Plants to get a Palm Tree
2.Click the Large House Plant to get a Coffee Shop Tree
3.Click the Green Vase to get a Plush Grey Chair
4.Click the dark pink big of the Pink Plastic Castle to get a Inflatable Dragon
5.Click the Kitchen Sink for a Birthday Cake

To be continued...

Club Penguin

Hi again,
Im usually on server brumby in the town so if you want to add me on Club Penguin then message me your penguin name and i will keep a look out for you! I am a member for a month only!

~Fiana 9~


I'm Fiana 9 and i play Club Penguin and weeworld. Mostly MSN! I hope you will like my blog even though i'm new to it...

~Fiana 9~